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  • Would you like to award someone special a knitted rosette? See the pattern to knit one here!

  • Little Squares Scarf, (quick pattern).

  • Little Squares Scarf, (step-by-step pattern, with lots of step-by-step photos).

  • How to sew up crochet or knitting with an invisible stitch, step-by-step tutorial

  • Sisterhood Crochet Blanket pattern for square.

  • step-by-step pattern for Sisterhood Crochet Blanket square. Makes crocheting this pattern a doddle for beginners!

  • step-by-step tutorial for some basic crochet stitches

  • Tara's failsafe cup cake sponge recipe

  • knitted slipper pattern

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I am also dreaming of mmy next crochet project and have some coloured in squares on my fridge. Nowhere near as fancy as yours, I used Ivy's colouring pencils. My pallete is greys and black with lilac and lavendar and soft rose accents.
Your colour descriptions are wonderful x


I adore aliums. My mum has a couple in her garden and ever so often she dries the heads when they are finished which makes the most amazingly skeletal looking decorations. If I could have a bed of aliums it would make me happy indeed :)

Helen Charlton

Loads of aliums are still in full flower in my garden. Gorgeous colours . . . love , love! Looking forward to my first rose though!

Moe (Seaweed, Roses & Wool) x

Love Aliums, they are such a wonderful flower, no wonder you are swayed with their colour I would love to have some in my garden, unfortunately i'm not that much of a gardener! Cant wait to see your next project,


Vanessa, i'm just loving your photos, the colours are just wonderful and the crochet....well.... you are going to have one stunning blanket!


That last photo is just gorgeous Vanessa, I love the combo green and purple, although it isn't one you would necessarily think of straight away. I also LOVE your sketchbook! Did you cover it yourself with that lovely green star material? I am a very sketchbooky person - I like doodling!! XX


That last photo is gorgeous Vanessa, and I love the combo green and purple, although it isnt one I automatically think of. I am also LOVING that sketchbook of yours, where did you get it? Or did you cover it yourself with that green star material? I am a very sketchbooky person - I like doodling! X

kitschen pink

Oh I love green and purple! Especially with a bit of turquoise shot in for seasoning! I am looking forward to seeing your crochet but in the meantime I can gaze lovingly on as many of these beautiful little colour charts as you can produce! They are wonderful! t.x


Your crochet is developing so wonderfully. I love those colours.


I love the green and purple combination. So much that soon to be here baby has a wide selection of knit and crochet cardi's, soakers, hats, shoes and so on in those colours all waiting in the drawer for her.
And you're sisterhood blanket is going to be so beautiful, I can't wait to see the finished result.


Hello Vanessa, I missed you so much whilst our broadband was down but I have had days of your lovely posts to catch up with - bliss. Also without the distraction of the internet I had more time to crochet and have just finished my first scarf ( for one of youngest sons teddies). Tomorrow I'm moving on to your sisterhood squares. Love those gardens you have been visiting. Karenx

Bobo Bun

Your blog is becoming the most soothing colour therapy for me at the end of a tiring day Vanessa. Colour simply fills up a life with happiness doesn't it? Love the new combinations, but then I know I will love the next too.

Lisa x


I love purples and greens - your colors are beautiful.


Wonderful choice of colors, I really love the crochet squares!


loving how you plan your colours!
the alliums are gorgeous, I keep planting them in my garden but they never come up the next year, too damp, too many slugs I fear.... xoxo


Green and purple is a favourite combination for me too... the colour of the Suffragettes of course. I have alliums as well, though sadly most of them haven't put in an appearance this year so don't know what's happened to them... mice maybe? Is your next project using all that brightly coloured wools you showed us last week? Are we going to have photos soon... can you tell what it is yet kind of thing?


I'll be having my crochet fix of the day later, just as soon as I have done the ironing with the new iron Johns parents bought me, yip, my suprise was a new iron, how kind. I mentioned, while doing their ironing, how much better their iron was compared to mine, and that I will have to buy a new iron, so they popped out to the shops and bought me one. I'm touched by thier kindness! xxxxx


I sure hope I'm using a different word, but stunning is all I can think of. I have a purple couch and green walls!! Just beautiful!! Made my day!!


What a delicous post, makes me want to redocorate the whole house in those colours. Love your squares and your sketch too.

Helen Lambert

I love that colour combination...if you look to nature then it should work in green and purple is a winner...lilacs...violets....alliums....anenomies...yes I really lov these colours...thanks for reminding me how lovely they look together...I must start a note book for colour combo's H


I didn't know Alliums until I met you! Love, love, love them. In fact as I passed the lovely flower shop on Hide Hill yesterday, the lady who runs it was plucking some very beautiful, healthy Allium stems for a customer. Was in a hurry so i didn't see if it was you!! xx

Kate MacDonald

You do write such lovely cheery & inspiring posts Vanessa! I didn't think I was a pink and purple person until just recently, this post confirms it. I have a hankering for a jacket or top with roses on for a wedding and a party we have coming up to go with a long petrol blue skirt, this pink and green scheme would be perfect, and then I could have pink shoes to!
Am stuck in Glasgow whilst husb in hosp so inspite of your inspiring blogs I am frustratingly unable to action any of my thoughts.
I have brought a tapestry with me one I am making up as I go along, loosely based on a picture of puffins sitting on a rock. But I bought a crochet hook the other day so maybe I'll move on to that soon. Mind is a bit all over the place though to concentrate too much.


Beautiful crochetwork! Love this colorcombination.

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  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon