Hello! I hope you're well? Mid week! I can't believe it! Sometimes I
have to stop, and do a double check that we're so far on in to the
week, today's one of those days!
Aaaahhh! Flowers.................. my flowers from my garden. I love them, I really, really love the flowers from my garden. It doesn't get much better than picking flowers from your very own garden does it?! Although I did very little, if any work, getting these flowers to do their stuff, I still feel proud of myself for growing them in my garden! Maybe proud is a bit over-the-top, happy, that would describe it better. Happy that I'm getting these flowers from my garden.
The Peonies are finished in my garden, and the Roses, they're not quite ready yet . So I can't say the flowers in the above photo are from my garden, unfortunately. Shame about that.
This very expensive looking bunch of flowers, wasn't expensive at all! I keep a beady eye open for offers, and reduced items in supermarkets. This lot came from three different places, on three different occassions. I have a very, very beady little eye for offers! Very beady indeed!
Is bargain hunting present in all of us? Or is mine more developed? My Dad, and Hugo's Dad may well be the most loyal and hard working bargain hunters I know. I've actually been on the prowl, bargain hunting, with my Dad, and he gets a fevered look in his eyes. Is that fevered 'hunting for bargains' look familiar to any of you?! And the 'pretending I'm NOT fevered, but I VERY much am'................. is that something you've come across? Car boot sales are bad for this. On Sunday, we went to a car boot sale, and I saw various people I knew. The trouble was, I hadn't seen all the stalls when I met these people. My dilemma was that if I stopped to chat, I might be missing out on bargains. I sort of mentioned this to one person, and luckily he was of the same mind set. There was a palpable sense of huge relief between us as we realised this, and moved our seperate bargain hunting ways. Not everyone understands the delicate matter of not stopping to have a lengthy chat, till all stalls have been looked at! Yes, bumping into people you know at car boot sales, isn't always desirable. That is, untill the bargain hunting is finished! I have a sneaky feeling all this will be familiar to some of you reading this?! Yes?......... No? ............ Maybe?!
So, it's Wednesday evening. That means one thing, Wednesday night knitting group! My favourite evening of the week! So I'm off to do some knitting. I hope you all have as nice an evening as I hope to have, I'll be relaxing with lovely people, amongst shelves and baskets of yarn, doing a little knitting, drinking a little tea, and nibbling a little something bad for my waistline. So see you tomorrow. Ta-ra! Love Vanessa xxx
I am so with you on the boot sale matter, can't let anything or anybody distract you until you have all your bargains in your bag.
Those roses, those huge, enormous pink blooms, wow, they are just gorgeous.
Posted by: Lululiz | June 10, 2009 at 07:27 PM
Absolutely ..... nothing more frustrating when some serious rummaging has to be done .... fingers crossed for better weather this weekend as I feel quite cheated about not getting to any last weekend!
Posted by: Debbie | June 10, 2009 at 07:37 PM
Know exactly what you mean about the "not stopping to chat". Dearest husband often abandons me to shoot off on his own whilst I waddle frustratedly behind, hoping I'm missing nothing.
Our biggest dilemma though - do we start at the beginning? Or do we head to the far end and work backwards. Nothing more frustrating than being a few seconds late for the bargain and wishing you had worked the opposite way round.
Beautiful pictures as ever, thank you.
Posted by: Becks | June 10, 2009 at 08:36 PM
I alwayus think serious booters hunt alone! No time to waste with idle chit chat when your eyes are darting feverishly from one side to the other as you walk between the aisles. And the irritation when somebody in front buys just what you would have bought had you been there 30 seconds earlier can be enough to put you off your stride. But only momentarily!
Posted by: wend | June 10, 2009 at 09:09 PM
Love love love the beautiful pink roses the different shades are magnificant. I can almost smell them!
Posted by: Mummy Boo Bear | June 10, 2009 at 09:49 PM
Oh those roses and peonies. I could just bury my face in their pink loveliness. I actually have one pink sweetpea just about to flower! I was very late planting them this year(as usual). I used to go to country auctions with my Father when I was young and he could smell a bargain from the doorway. Its probably best to go to car boots out of your area so no-one knows you. Karenx
Posted by: Karen | June 10, 2009 at 10:13 PM
I love a bargain too but don't think I've ever been to a car boot sale....so far.
The flowers look stunning, what gorgeaous photos.
Posted by: maria | June 10, 2009 at 11:01 PM
I think they'll find the bargain hunting gene eventually in the human genome project - in the meantime I know I've got it! Thank-you for sharing your lovely flowers! t.x
Posted by: kitschen pink | June 10, 2009 at 11:07 PM
I'm feeling a bit blue today.Your flowers make me happy. Peonies are my favoriet, great big and sweet as well. A house with flowres is a HOME. Have a great day XX
Posted by: jacoline (lien) | June 11, 2009 at 02:15 AM
Hello and what a beautiful blog!
I don't know if I'm fevered...but my daughter has described me as a real life 'eagle eye action man', apparently on entering any bargainy arena my eyes flick from side to side in a rather disturbing manner!
Posted by: jus | June 11, 2009 at 02:41 AM
Yes, I am definitely one of those bargain hunters too and fortunately so is my best friend whi frequently finds lovely things for me. Have a good day Vanessa xx
Posted by: Pipany | June 11, 2009 at 07:25 AM
Thank you for posting the beautiful pictures of the flowers, I have tried to bring flowers into my house but I always end up moving them to a room I am hardly ever in, because I always end up with streamimg eyes and sneezing constantly,with your pictures, I can sit and look at them, without the hayfever!
Big Hugs, Bethxx
Posted by: Beth | June 11, 2009 at 09:18 AM
Oh, what divine flowers. You cracked me up with your description of the car boot sale. I am pretty much like this with all shopping! When I go to a car boot, I have anxiety attacks about which end to start at. We usually start as far away from the entrance as possible but as I walk past the other stalls, I am scanning round madly in case I spot something worth stopping for!
Have a lovely holiday, wherever you are off to, lucky thing. Oh, as to the crochet, yes, I fancied making a cushion like the one in Vintage Crochet except there's no pattern for it in the book - annoying! I am considering going into Loop to ask them how to do it!
Hen x
Posted by: Hen | June 11, 2009 at 06:16 PM
Yes absolutley understand that! The feeling that you are looking over the others shoulder to see what yone is missing and the same happening to you! I wish we had a few more boots around by us. But yes on the occasions when I do get to a fair/charity shop/boot etc. my eyes are everywhere yet pretending to be know where.
I absolutely love your flower arrangement, both of them.
Posted by: Kate MacDonald | June 15, 2009 at 10:48 AM