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  • Would you like to award someone special a knitted rosette? See the pattern to knit one here!

  • Little Squares Scarf, (quick pattern).

  • Little Squares Scarf, (step-by-step pattern, with lots of step-by-step photos).

  • How to sew up crochet or knitting with an invisible stitch, step-by-step tutorial

  • Sisterhood Crochet Blanket pattern for square.

  • step-by-step pattern for Sisterhood Crochet Blanket square. Makes crocheting this pattern a doddle for beginners!

  • step-by-step tutorial for some basic crochet stitches

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I love the look on Ellie's face, she looks very pleased with herself. I too have lots of ends to sew into my granny square blanket, but I wasn't so disciplined as you. I did my edging first. The blanket is now folded up in a cupboard waiting to be finished! I look forward to seeing your finished blanket.


The photo of Ellie is great!! It's lovely to see other peoples pets, especially as I love taking pics of my cat and dog!!!


Hi Vanessa

I love all the pictures of your dogs!!!!! So sweet - not to be depressing but we just lost our wonderful fur baby, a black & tan dachshund this past February to cancer - we had him 11 wonderful years and we miss him terribly - seeing pictures of your wonderful dogs helps to feel the joy again - thank you. Still loving your wonderful blog....

Vickie from Seattle

Bobo Bun

Can't believe Germaine G is 70, she is amazing. Feisty intellect is definately an anti-ageing plus I think.

The boat nets are intriguing. Did you get caught taking the picture?

Lisa x


Lovely photos, I love Ellies little paw 'holding' your bucket, and the boats look lovely, Im going to say something that if you say out loud does sound very sad but here goes, I love love love your boaty net curtain, its gorgeous!
Fliss xx


Very interesting about Ms. Greer!

I love the picture of your dog - he looks so comfortable there! The boats are a lovely decoration, and the shot through the window is amazing.

I'm with you 100% on sewing in all ends before making the blanket border. Tedious, but as you say, some discipline is good and necessary!


That dog is such a cutie! Thanks for filling us in re Germaine Greer. :O) Fascinating stuff and lucky you to have been there. I think that picture of the window and boat nets could probably spark great imagination. Its an absolute beauty. x

Moe (Seaweed, Roses & Wool) x

Hi Vanessa,
Great to see you are making use of the bucket! Sounds like you had a really interesting weekend! Love the pic of your little Ellie! She is too cute! I also Love your collection of boats they are really nice!

The Curious Cat

Beautiful boat photos - and sounds like a very interesting night -I don't know a lot about Germaine Greer but no doubt I will read up on her at some point or other in my life!


I agree Ellie does look rather superior and pleased with herself... look at me, aren't I the privileged one, being carried and cuddled? Interesting to hear about GG as well.. I have read her books of course, not that I consider myself a staunch feminist, but I do uphold the view that women doing a man's job should be paid the same and so on. And isn't sewing in the ends just the worst bit ever, about doing multi-coloured crochet.....yawn!


Ellie is so cute! Sounds like she had a great time on the beach! I love those boats and that boat themed net curtain! I can't wait to see your blanket finished, I have a long way to go before mine is finished!
Big Hugs, Bethxx

Shelley in SC

Those vintage boats up on the wall are wonderful. Yes, you want to whack yourself for not getting around to it earlier. But at least you're enjoying it now. Makes me long for the coast.

Magic Cochin

How did I stumble into you blog? But I'm so glad I did!

I love how you've put the boats on the wall. We have the very same large blue one and a smaller green one (OH's from when he was young). They are propped p in the bathroom which I'm planning to redecorate - they may just have to end up on the wall - thank you for the inspiration

(I love knitting too - fingers itching to start a new project!)

kitschen pink

I have never understood the antipathy towards Ms Greer. I read The Obstacle Race as a young teenage art student and have loved her ever since! She opened my eyes to all sorts of deceit in the history books of my 'education'.
LOVELY boat pictures. How on earth did you get the boats to float that way - reminds me of 'Wreck of the Zephyr'. Beautiful. t.xx


Ellie looks like a sweetheart, Vanessa. That is some interesting info about Ms.Greer. Have to look her up so I can read more about her. And...on your post today...your yarn heart looks quite lovely!

Calico Kate

I like GG too and would love to have heard that talk. She is sooo honest, and isn't she funny on Grumpy Old Women if you ever catch that. V brave of you taking crochet with you. I once took a book to a concert but got told off by my husband. I am happy to listen to classical music but I have to be doing something else. Especially if I can't see the performers. Designed a Christmas card on the programme of another!

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  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon