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« When table cloths are a joy! | Main | Hearts and flowers. »



Hello Vanessa,
I hope that scrumptious spread wasn't just your portion!!
Golly, I wish my potting shed was that tidy but then methinks they may have several pairs of hands helping out:-)
Deb x
(Order on it's way as of today)

Gerry Hook

Vanessa, I had not read your blog for several days and finally had time so I caught up with your recent activities this evening.
First off, you certainly must be a very happy gal as your blogging brings a smile every time I join your adventures and I'll just bet every other of your blog readers will agree. :^)
I'm with you about fitting in with the garden crowd [learned this on a trip to Patmos and Santorini] - but would have to draw the line at wearing Pearls and a hat suitable for the garden 'party'. Skirt and blouse and flats, yes for me.
I love the embroidered table cloths. I found one I really fell in love with in a secondhand/antique shop and just love it. I now holds a place of honor among our tablecloths.
Your crocheted ring is the the best ever, I know Bob will treasure it.
I'll visit the photo mosaic website tomorrow to see what is offered.


Ummmm, that looks lovely. Your photographs are fab as usual, I must confess I rather like the one of the pink pelargonium. Hope you are enjoying a rest now your doggy visitors have departed.
Hen x

Helen Lambert

Oh no Vanessa you have just described my weekend attire...a tweed skirt mind you with small tucked pleats at the front and I am never without my pearls...dont you know...mind you the garden looks they have a crunchy old gardener... and the sheds...wish I could get Petes shed to look like that...I have started my maggi knit shawl and I am in love with it...linen in so nice to knit and hugs H


Hi Vanessa. The orange flowers look like marigolds. Beautful photographs and I think you have just described my idea of a perfect afternoon too xx


Hi Vanessa. I enjoy your blog for many reasons - I agree with Gerry that your happiness is catching. And I do love your dogs. We have two long haired dachshunds and the breed is not well-known here. My brother-in-law and his wife have two Jack Russells and whenever we all get together, it is almost embarrassing to see how lazy my two are compared to the JRs! (Here is a pic


I'm with Pipany in as much as I am pretty sure the orange flowers are marigolds. My, but you have an eye for a beautiful photo shot! I can't believe how tidy that potting shed is. . . (she says wistfully, knowing that the tidy gene had not been passed down to her). x


I'm sure we wouldnt fit in there, no pearls or dry clean only clothes for us, jeans plus 2 energetic and usually filthy children instead..... but then maybe they would sit quietly and eat cake - all that cake probably - which wouldnt do either.....xoxo

sarah london

love that gingham tablecloth, it's so cheery!!! and you take the best photos, superb!


Hi Vanessa,

Ah yes, I can see you now in Princess Di mode, pie crust collared, finely pinstriped shirt, tucked into linen slacks, and a fine string of pearls, single of course, anything else would be vulgar! Hugo always seems to look the part to accompany such a refained lady! Personally, rather than Mr MacGregor being responsible for the pristine potting shed, I'd rather it were Monty Don, whose looks seem to go with the refained ladies and gents! Lovely, lovely to see the dogs too... I am a dog owner by proxy, not wanting to take on the responsibility of having one of my own, I revel in seeing friends' dogs and hearing about their antics. Lovely post as ever.

The Curious Cat

Once again gorgeous photos - do you have a flickr account? Those little dogs are sooo sweet too! xxx


Those cake look amazing! my sponges always are a little sad and flat. Lovely day. Your posts are always such a ray of sunshine.Thanks


Hi Vanessa, thank you so much for been so understanding and nice about the swap parcel. I should be able to post it off to you next week some time, once I've put the finishing touches to it. You are lovely, and I'm so thankful I have such an understanding swap partner, thank you so much. xxxxx


that spread for tea looks utterly delicious, you do find some lovely places to go (and share with us). Your photos really evoked a 1930s upper class country house vibe for me - tea and croquet on the lawn, with the gardeners doing all the hard work maintaining the garden to the necessary standard. I'm not surprised there's an unwritten dress code - it must be almost like stepping back in time.


I love the colours and feel of the last photo of the pond.


The cakes look delicious!

Your idea of dressing more nicely for your outings is very thoughtful and kind. I like it!


That Binky...I'd happily pick her up and sneak off with her...along with a large slice of cake...
What a wonderful weekend!


Dear Vanessa Your photos are really lovely, they invoke in me a lot of nostalgia for England as I live in Southern Spain. Those flowers by the way are Osteospernum's (they grow like weeds in our garden here) originally from South Africa where they are considered a native wild flower, in the intense summer heat they stop flowering, enough of the horticulture! I read you most days, take care, Mazza


It's very exiting to find your web site. I don't have much to add to the conversation, but I'm right here with you. This post said exactly what I have been thinking. Good to see you posting again.

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  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon