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Archie the wonder dog

Love the rooster! We've also had a grey day down here but I suspect it's not as bad...lights on by 2pm though which wasn't nice! Enjoy the amaryllis and thanks for the programme link! P.S. Thanks also for your comment on my blog!


Lovely Vanessa
Thank you for reminding me of this great word...leaden. It conjures up a heaviness and dullness like no other word. Someone remarked typical bleak November day today which I couldn't have agreed more with.
I have started using to enhance all my dull grey day photographs as it can be ever so frustrating when the desire to blog overcomes you and photo's are not being properly justified!

I am a huge radio fan and will hopefully get to listen to your link... always up for a smile.

Lovely Hugo supporting all your fab work!


hello dear Vanessa

what a clever, creative and sweet chap your hubby is. you must be mighty proud of him.

you are so right about leaden grey (rather like linen) setting off other colours. i love those kind of combinations and the red knitting in your photograph is beautiful!

i will indeed follow your links and have a listen to the show, it sounds like just my cup of tea :)

thank you so much for your lovely words and kind thoughts for buddy boo. he is quite ecstatic to be back with his family, getting a huge amount of attention in the way of love, hugs and treats. he is not very keen on having to wear a collar though. nor on having to 'rest' in his cage. he doesn't seem to know the meaning of the word. the collar can come off on tuesday next. but the rest alas, must be enforced for another six weeks! it's going to be a struggle. thankfully he doesn't seem to be in pain at all and my sister said the vet did a very neat job with his leg. apparanty the vet had a soft spot for buddy too, as he is such a gentle and sweet natured cat. it's such a joyous relief that he pulled through and is now on the mend.

how are your sweet doggies? i do so love seeing them here and hearing about them.

hope you all have a lovely weekend xxx



The skies are indeed leaden and it has gone so cold today.
Thank you for the radio programme link, (love Rev, glad it's back to make us smile).
Have a lovely weekend.
Carol xx


We have the same problem here with the light. Isn't it just so gloomy and dismal. I'm hosting a giveaway at the moment and have had to post without proper pictures of the book I'm giving away as it was just too dark to take any. I love winter but I like it much better when the sun shines.


I listened to that this morning whilst sewing- love Rev too.
Too dull this week, just TOO DULL!But that is November for you and I almost,n.b. almost,enjoy it...partly as it does encourage that enjoyable snuggle down in an armchair feeling and partly as dull light does make certain colours really sing.

Crafted by Carly

What a poetic post! Your discussion of colour really made me think. You are totally right - grey really is fab for making bright colours stand out! Good old, unselfish grey!!! I'm going to be looking out for exciting colour combos thin weekend.....

Jo Norman

I live near Leaden Roding and when I drive through today will think of your Amaryllis.

Secondly I totally concur with you about In and Out of the Kitchen I heard it the other day whilst fiddling around in the kitchen and it is brilliant. :-)


The rooster is brilliant, so well done Hugo! It seems that both of you are very gifted, even if Hugo can't knit... ;) Can he? (suddenly some doubts crept up)

I must agree that this was a very poetic post - you have master visual arts and hmm... literature?

Soon grey will turn into white, well, I hope so as I'm dreaming of a white Christmas!

Magic Cochin

Hugo's pastry rooster is fabulous!

I've got 3 real ones in my garden... oh sorry, make that 3 and a half (yes, it looks like my dear little Cheep-the-chick is turning into another boy!)

You are absolutely right, to make a bright colour sing it needs a 'leaden' tone next to it.

I'll have to check out the radio show.



I love the colour of the wool in the top picture! I've been waiting for sunshine to take pictures too. There seems to be a little in the morning if we're lucky but by the time I get my camera out (or find it because my daughter keeps borrowing it!) then the light has dimmed again.
Have a


...some of my comment diappeared!!
I was saying..have a lovely weekend Vanessa! I'm seeing my own birthday girl on Sunday. :)
Jess x x

harmony and rosie

It's been so grey here lately too and I've been desperately trying to get photographs with no success.
Vanessa, you have a doppelganger here in London .. I approached a lady this week at my childrens' swimming club asking if she has a sister named Vanessa. Sadly she looked at me if though I was from another planet, so I made an ultra hasty escape thinking that would be a no then and relieved I didn't say "do you mind if I knit?"!
Glad to hear you're restored now

Jenni at Baa-me Kniits

He has hidden talents your Hugo :-)


The rooster is fab, what a clever man! Good luck with your photographs - we have got quite a nice day today (Sunday) in Wales. Will give the link a listen as well.


I love your red knitting and the little rooster! After a very grey end to the week we've actually had a sunny weekend here....I do hope you have too! Let's hope for a brighter week ahead so we can take lots of pictures, and maybe store up a few for the next dark days.
Hope you enjoy your week, Vanessa.
Helen x

Planet Penny

I know just what you mean about 'grey'. You've no doubt seen how much I've moaned about it on my blog, what a misery! But it's the inability to take photos which is really annoying. Once you've got into the bloggy habit of photographing everything it's like having your arm in a sling!
I'd much rather have it crisp and bright than this unseasonably warm murk, sorry ranting again! Have a lovely week Vanessa, here's to bright skies! xxx


So there are TWO artists living under your roof, then? Glorious. I suspected as much.

I hope you too have been blessed with the amazing sunlight and warmth we have had over the weekend.

I am giddy with excitement at the thought of clapping eyes on a new Evangeline!

Liz in Missouri (with Lucy)

I love gray days. They are the curl-up days that bring rest and quiet and make the brilliant sunny ones even more so.
I'm looking forward to Evangeline in what I'm sure is another happy encounter. Such a cheery little soul!
And of course - it goes without saying that Mr Hugo is a treasure to cherish.


Yes, yes, yes! I am often looked at askance when I tell people my favorite color is gray, but it is! Everything looks so beautiful when paired with it. Leaden is usually an unsung hero; thanks for singing its praises!

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  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon