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  • How to sew up crochet or knitting with an invisible stitch, step-by-step tutorial

  • Sisterhood Crochet Blanket pattern for square.

  • step-by-step pattern for Sisterhood Crochet Blanket square. Makes crocheting this pattern a doddle for beginners!

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Just popped by to say "Wow! I just saw your pictures on CBeebies!" - and here you are posting about it. Such beautiful illustrations and a very sweet story - baby and I enjoyed it a lot!

Archie the wonder dog

I just missed it on telly but it's already on the CBeebies was fabulous and I loved the close ups of your wonderful illustrations - well done!

Planet Penny

I'll have to see if I can catch it on iplayer, what a sweet story and your mole looks so cuddly!


I saw it too! I didn't realise it was you until I popped on here. You're so talented! x


Vanessa, you super talented lady, thank you! I have had the most horrendous day, filled with unexpected disappointment and angst and heartache, and for the first time since breakfast I smiled reading this. It was just the tonic I needed. How could one not be cheered by a mole who drags daisy chains behind him.


Wow, that's so weird! I've been following your blog for a while now as I love to crochet and knit. I've never really had a good look at your sidebar so had a real suprise today when I read your blog. I'm a teacher and last week I read 'Bringing Down The Moon' to the children I teach. It's such a beauiful book and I can't believe that you're the actual illustrator. Serendipity! Wow, how cool is that! :)!!!


This is just wonderful - love it! :-)


Just watched in on iplayer and it is wonderful, congratulations. I am going to play it to the children in my class next week. They will love it and we have been doing about friendship so it fits in perfectly.


Just enjoyed my bedtime story, thank you Vanessa, that was lovely, what beautiful illustrations. Great message for the little (and not so little) ones.
Carol xx


oh, oh oh, does excited happy dance. So thrilled to see another Mole book and your illustrations look even more adorable in this one than ever. Definitely going to be an extra present under the tree now for Butterfly (although she already has Bringing Down the Moon on Santa's sleigh as we gave our other version away to a friend who stayed and loved it too much to leave it behind). Have a lovely weekend, you've just made mine very happy (because I'll be the one reading it, and I love those stories) :)


Vanessa, thanks so much for sharing this wonderful book with us. Yo are so talented and the pictures are just perfect. You can see every emotion on Mole and all his friends. Loved it. Congrats on a wonderful job.

Teresa Kasner

Vanessa.. how wonderful that you had a new book published and that it was shown on the telly! You must be so proud! As a fellow artist, I am loving your painting. Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving such sweet comments!
*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

The Muse of The Day

What a perfect match - the story and the illustrations. In our busy, hectic lives there is always more room for sweetness. Your illustrations show kindness on their faces and what I believe to be the opposite of kindness on the little mole's face - fear, rather than meanness. When I was little I thought the opposite of kindness was being mean (didn't everybody think that?). Now that I am older, I wonder if the real opposite of kindness is fear because when people react out of fear they can appear mean to others. A sweet, simple little story ... has left me with even more to think about. Your illustrations are spot on. Congratulations. Carolina


oh vanessa, i am in love with this book and your gorgeous illustrations! how sweet of you to take us through it, a true treat. i am just a little disappointed that i can't watch it read, it seems the tv link plays only to the uk.
oh well...
i've enjoyed the sharing you've done here, so thank you so very much. and CONGRATULATIONS!! xo lori


Wonderful, Vanessa! A lovely book, and how lovely for it to be featured on CBeebies...I hope to catch up and see it too. This is another book for me to acquire and read to my grandbabies! Well done on creating something so sweet and charming.
Helen x

Jenni at Baa-me Kniits

Oh dear I can't get to watch it over here in Oz. The illustrations are gorgeous Vanessa and I have to admit to being a secret mole fan, my boys loved those books when they were little. A beautiful story about a touchy subject for littlies...well done to you both :-)

Jenni at Baa-me Kniits

Oh dear I can't get to watch it over here in Oz. The illustrations are gorgeous Vanessa and I have to admit to being a secret mole fan, my boys loved those books when they were little. A beautiful story about a touchy subject for littlies...well done to you both :-)


Hello Vanessa. I've just watched your lovely little story on CBeebies! It was truly lovely, well done. I'm glad they shared the authorship - quite right too. A picture book IS the pictures.

I thought it was beautifully read and I thought it was really sweet. There is definitely an appropriate message there too. Mind you, I think little mouse is so sweet I would want to keep her secret too! I think I would carry her around in my pocket. I love that she is a little brown mouse too. I think she would be wouldn't she? More the field mouse variety than the little grey mouse that makes us squeal. (Although actually I think they are sweet too - just not in my house!) I love her little fluffy white tummy! The illustrations are a delight. I love all their little faces and characterisations. You manage to put body language into them too, all the little nuances are there. Very charming.

I was wondering if you always wanted to be an illustrator? I always loved pictures in books - even the little line drawings in older children's books. I still remember Eileen Soper from Enid Blyton books. You will have hoards of adults in the future feeling all nostalgic when ever anyone mentions little mole. Bedtime stories create a great deal of happiness and comfort for children. It's a wonderful thing to be such a big part of that.

I really enjoyed your rendition of the story too. You have a way with words as well as pictures you know!

Donna Flower

Wow, what an achievement Vanessa. We have so many of your wonderfully illustrated books and Lizzy enjoys them so much (as do I). This is a must buy for us, thank you for sharing clever lady x


You are so hugely talented Vanessa. I bought my son 'bringing down the moon' when he was small and remember reading it to him at bedtime. He is 13 now!!! x


Well done indeed - you must be soooooo proud! I've just watched it via the link and ordered the book for my granddaughter - your Bunny Girl looks lovely on her bedroom wall too.


Thanks so much for sharing this!

mlle paradis

sorry we couldn't see it in the states! i'm sure it's lovely. congratulations! what an inspiration you are! hope you're having a lovely chrimbley season.


No IPlayer here in Indonesia...sob!sob!But I can still send you my congrats!!!
love,xxx Alessandra


Yay a new Mole book! I look forward to sharing it with my children


Been following your blog for a few months (love it!) and hadn't realised it was you who illustrated one of our household's favourite books, 'Bringing Down the Moon'. Thank you for those charming pictures. They have given my three girls much pleasure over the years. Will have to seek out the other mole books now I know there's more.

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Hello and welcome!

  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon