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  • Would you like to award someone special a knitted rosette? See the pattern to knit one here!

  • Little Squares Scarf, (quick pattern).

  • Little Squares Scarf, (step-by-step pattern, with lots of step-by-step photos).

  • How to sew up crochet or knitting with an invisible stitch, step-by-step tutorial

  • Sisterhood Crochet Blanket pattern for square.

  • step-by-step pattern for Sisterhood Crochet Blanket square. Makes crocheting this pattern a doddle for beginners!

  • step-by-step tutorial for some basic crochet stitches

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Hi Vanessa. What a lovely write up in the paper. I showed and read the article to Joe and Annaliese.They are most impressed. They are now prancing around the room in their knickers, they think this is highly entertaining!!!

Liz in Missouri (with Lucy)

Oh Gosh - I wish I could have trailed along on your trip to Scotland - all bundled up in woolies against the chill. It looks so beautiful.
That's a wonderful article in the paper - and I had to laugh out loud at Mr. Emmett's knickers! He must be just a load of fun to work with.

Archie the wonder dog

The weekend in Scotland looks wonderful, if a little wind blown! Wonderful article in the paper - congratulations! Oh, and I love his red spotty knickers!


Hi Vanessa, wonderful Scottish scenery. I love Scotland, spent several happy holidays there. Love the islands too especially Skye and Orkney. No nicer garden than Inverewe. Edinburgh is a favourite city, lived there for several months in the 60's.
The new yarn does indeed look gorgeous, great colour choice, love the photos with the scenery.
Those knickers are wonderful, every man should have a pair!
Carol xx


I love the shots you did get of the yarn in the landscape ... the ball on the fence post particularly. And what a lovely picture of you in the paper. Unsurprisingly you look really, really happy :D


I love Scotland too, the scenery in your photos is beautiful as is your gorgeous new yarn!
Brilliant newspaper write-up and I do love his knickers. :)
Vivienne x


Dearest Vanessa!

Those yarn ball colours! So joyful and so Scottish. Goodness that first photograph alone made me feel very happy indeed. Thinking of you suffering in adverse weather conditions to make those photographs happen makes me think how far artists are willing to go for their art ;-) Poor Hugo's cold fingers clasping that camera though!

Scotland is fabulous and is has been far too long since I set foot there. I feel the same way about Brittany; a strong sense of folklore and stunning landscape. The Bretons are very dynamic too...

You look so pretty on that photograph in the article. Success is a potent feeling and you deserve every drop of success you get.

Happy Advent to you Vanessa!

ps Forget your diamonds! You should use your Rowan Tweed to make some multicoloured knickers to keep you warm on your next trip across the border!

Heather L.

What gorgeous photos!!!! Will put these places on my list for a future trip to Scotland......friends of ours like to go to Crieff Hydro too. Maybe we should check that out as well!

Shannon Yeaton

Thanks for the beautiful pictures, would love to go there!

Congratulations on your award, what an honor! You must be very proud.

mlle paradis

what an exciting post! and yes the beautiful pictures! stay warm!

Teresa Kasner

*C*O*N*G*R*A*T*U*L*A*T*I*O*N*S*!* Vanessa! I'm so impressed with your successes in all your books, let alone your sculptures and knitting. You are a true Renaissance woman! I'm proud to know you. And thank you for visiting my blog and leaving the wonderful comments. You rock!!
*M*E*R*R*Y* *C*H*R*I*S*T*M*A*S*!*
((hugs)), Teresa :-)

Magic Cochin

I so enjoyed reading this post and the newspaper article. I love all those soft muted colours - it was a great idea to take your lovely tweedy wool out into the Scottish landscape... and well done Hugo for being a good egg and taking the pictures!



Your scottish trip looks wonderful. We have a similar place near to where I live - see, we go there to volunteer and helped to build the Viking longhouse. Places like this have a great atmosphere I think.
LOVED the knickers!


Vanessa, I am celebrating with you! Thanks for sharing some of what you are enjoying and creating in your life and giving me links to be able to further explore to learn more. I am especially excited to discover your books and hope to purchase some to share with my grand boys and girls. <3


hi Vanessa, i loved reading this post. it's morning here and my now 6yo is snuggled up on my knee, still in her pj's as the wind howls outside our house. we live in the usa but coming from scotland i loved seeing your beautiful pictures and words about the weather. i remember crieff hydro from when we were kids, it was such a fun place for kids to be! anyway, my daughter and i had a lovely time reading that post and then we kept reading down your blog...seems she likes your blog as much as I do! congratulations on the paper article too.


Love your yarn and The scottish landscape!!!
I must find a pair of red knickers with polka dots for my hubby to wear at the New Year party!!!


It's blowing a gale here at the moment. I'm staying inside nursing a cold while Mike walks the dogs in the wind and the rain, brrr. Your images of Scotland look great tho'. I love Beamish too.
I bought the Pig's Knickers while I was away for a friends great niece. I thought it would make a great present for her. I loved the book. But I forgot to take a photo of it. I've just mentioned it on my blog. Love the illustrations. I'm just sorry I missed Mole being read. We were out celebrating an 18 year old's birthday at the time.


oh my goodness, you! your sucess, your trip to scotland, that wool. if i weren't so happy for adorable you, i would be green with envy. i MUST go to scotland (i am a graham now)someday, and i WILL buy some of that rowan wool, it is seriously gorgeous. my favorite type of fiber, the organic, rustic feel, so natural. love the colors you chose too.
and ah, yes, what things we put ourselves through for photos, hee hee. my husband is pretty good, being a photographer himself, but still, sometimes he doesn't understand my vision!
congratulations dear girl, i'm off to read the article now. (and stare some more at your diamond blanket...)

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  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon