Back after another week away from blogging, work load, you know the thing, will just skim over it because it's very boring. Just to say sorry for yet another absence.
In my last blog post, I said I'd tell you more about the dress I was wearing under the dress I knitted, in the photo above.
It's a dress I love to wear, and I can imagine other people loving wearing it too, so I thought I'd share my source with you.
I didn't sew it myself, it was made by Kate at Harmony and Rosie, and bought from her shop.
I tell you, it was bloomin freezing when these phots were taken by Helen.
Helen Stephens. I've mentioned her work on my blog before. She's also a very lovely friend, it was extremely nice of her to stand out in the cold with me and take these photos.
Actually, she's just had another fabulous book published, which might interest those of you who know, or have small people in your life. It's called "The Big Adventure of The Smalls", and you can see it on Amazon UK here, or Amazon US here.
Helen has a blog called "oh, I forgot to say", and in one of her latest blog entries she shows her drawings of my Miniature Wire Haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. She's borrowed them a couple of times to draw them, because....................... !!!! She's doing a children's book in which they are the stars!!!!!!!!!!!!
Imagine if your children were starring in a book, and the author was producing lots of drawings of your beloved children for the book, you might well feel thrilled about it.
Well, it's the same if you have beloved dogs, there are lots of happy feelings involved in seeing your children/dogs being drawn for a book.
If you want to see some of Helen's drawings of the doggies, go to this link.

So, back to the dress.
Without a belt, or with belt? What do you think? I just can't decide.
Maybe it's a mood thing, how I wear it depends on how I feel on the day?
I really love this dress, and I'm so glad I bought it from Kate. It's made in linen and comes with full care instructions. The colour isn't a colour way that Kate shows in her shop yet. I emailed her asking if the Iona Tunic dress was available in any other colours than the dress shown in her shop, and she photographed this colour fabric, and emailed it to me, and I knew immediately it was the one.
This dress is so, so comfortable, and I think it's a timeless piece too, I shall wear it till it becomes a limp rag. I find the pockets very handy and nice to use, (the dresses I have that don't have pockets now seem incomplete). It's made with a linen fabric, which crumples, but that is part of it's charm, that elegant crumple of linen, and I actually like it's look.
This blue green colour is a colour I'm very "in" to at the moment. I've started a new knitting project in a blue green wool. It's a very clever but complicated knitting pattern (for something that appears relatively simple), and requires a small amount of gritting of the teeth and bearing the pain stoically in the following of the pattern.
Maybe I'll save showing you what the pattern is till my Friday blog post, rather than over-loading you with too many links and images.
Yes, Friday's post it is, showing you what I'm knitting.
Till then, take care, may the sun shine on you, and now I'm tip-toeing off back to work.
Vanessa xxx