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  • Would you like to award someone special a knitted rosette? See the pattern to knit one here!

  • Little Squares Scarf, (quick pattern).

  • Little Squares Scarf, (step-by-step pattern, with lots of step-by-step photos).

  • How to sew up crochet or knitting with an invisible stitch, step-by-step tutorial

  • Sisterhood Crochet Blanket pattern for square.

  • step-by-step pattern for Sisterhood Crochet Blanket square. Makes crocheting this pattern a doddle for beginners!

  • step-by-step tutorial for some basic crochet stitches

  • Tara's failsafe cup cake sponge recipe

  • knitted slipper pattern

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thinking of you Vanessa xx


Hope things sort themselves out for you. Post when you feel inclined - you are not beholden to be a regular poster or commenter - Go with what you need and not what you feel should happen. xx


Take care dear sweet Vanessa xxxxxxxxx

Karen Eiles

Sending love to you and yours Vanessa.

May brighter days be close.


I hope things get better soon - it will be nice to hear from you again when you decide to pop back into this space!!


Take care Vanessa. Your 'real life' should always be your priority. Blogging should never be about 'having to' to please your readers, it should be about 'wanting to' to please yourself. You are an inspiration to so many, we adore your posts, but just think about yourself and what you need to do to make life as easy as possible if things are difficult. Come back when you are ready to, we'll all be here to greet you when you do.



Helen Philipps

Thinking of you, Vanessa. Sending you love and warm wishes for whatever you are going through now.
Helen xxx

Penny Peberdy

Don't worry. Hope things get better and better and we see you back before too long.

Magic Cochin

Take care Vanessa... sending you calming thoughts from our corner of Suffolk... you'll get through.


Jane in London


Keep knitting (because it's soothing, and it helps), keep making beautiful things, and concentrate on the stuff that's important. The rest can wait. We'll be here when you're ready.


Sending hugs and good thoughts. I hope you can sort everything out and that things will get better soon.

Fleur Cotton

Hope you get everything sorted out, sending you best wishes. Will look forward to seeing your knitting progress as always whenever you get the chance.

Fleur xx


Sending you positive thoughts. ♥


Lots of good thoughts from Romania, Vanessa. I've never written to you before, although I've been following your blog and admiring your work for a long time. I'm thinking of you and I hope you'll pull through these difficult times.


best wishes to you...i do hope things in your life get less difficult, but i know times in my life have been and i guess all you can do is hang in there- look after yourself ;0)xx

i soooo enjoy your artwork, illustrations and are one truly lovely, inspirational girly ;0) i often pop by even though i dont always comment ;0)xx

*x* big huggeroonies *x* (me and my daughters word for a great big hug!)

Sarah - Crafts from the Cwtch

I hope that whatever it is gets easier for you soon, Vanessa.


Saying a prayer for you just now. I so appreciate your cheerful spirit and am sorry for whatever difficulties you're facing.


Hey Vanessa,

I think the world of you. A blog only reveals a small part of a person but your amazing personality just shines through.

Whatever you are going through it will come through the other end; of that I am sure.

Don't worry about pleasing us all. We'll be waiting very patiently in the wings.

Take good care of yourself.


Oops, brushing my teeth and writing a comment at the same time are clearly beyond my capacity! Of course I meant to write 'YOU will come through the over side'.


Don't worry. It's important to focus on the things that are most important. Take care. Rachel x

Anne Reed

Sending you love and positive energy from N.Yorkshire-hoping all your weeds may be wild flowers.Anne x


Take care, Vanessa. Will be waiting when you are ready to return. Your beautiful posts will be really missed.
Hen xxx


Hi Vanessa!I hope that everything will go well for you!


We'll miss your posts but don't worry you'll come through soon. Its impossible to blog for long with a false smile on your face. Get your little daxis to give you a hug!




I think all of us in the real world experience those times when we need to retreat, need to concentrate on those around us, on ourselves. It could be health issues (as it always is with me), personal relationship issues, any manner of things. Just life sometimes getting too overwhelming for one reason or another.
But real friends know and understand this, and wait patiently until you feel able to come back to the blogging world again.
I won't begin to assume we are friends. You have never commented on my blog, and why should you? I rarely comment on yours, but I enjoy reading about it, and love especially, when you show photos of the delectable Douglas!
However we are companions in the blogging world, whose paths cross now and then, enough for me at least, to express my sadness for you that life is going through one of those down times at the moment.
I shall look forward to reading your posts, whenever you get back to blogging. And meanwhile, angel blessings and take care.

harmony and rosie

Take care, be brave, sweet Vanessa. xox


Be gentle on yourself and take care Vanessa.


Kathy from Michigan USA

Sometimes we stretch ourselves too thin, so the Universe says stop for a while & rest. So draw back & concentrate on things that are truly important, your family & your health, and know that we will all be in the background cheering you on & waiting until you feel up to coming back into the blogging world again. In love & friendship, take care.


Wishing you lots. Lots of whatever it is that you need right now! And lots of love from me. xx


Wishing you all the best! Take your time, we'll still be here in a while.


Take all the time you need. We'll still be here :) Cx

Archie the wonder dog

Take care - we'll be here when you feel you can return but please don't interpret that as pressure to blog! xxx

Liz in Missouri (with Lucy)

Just because your lovely blog is public it does not necessarily follow that your life is or should be. Whatever is happening, dear Vanessa, I know that you have the love and support of so many of us out here that cherish your work, your charming blog and YOU. When reading a blog day after day, it's hard not to feel like we know you - but of course we only know a small part of you, so - I'm offering prayers for you and your family and friends and hoping that the waters will calm soon. Take care of you - with much love from Liz and Lucy.


I truly hope the tricky times pass soon Vanessa xx


Lots of love and wishing you all the best; good luck!


Wishing you lots of peace. Take good care of yourself.


Sorry to hear this. Take care of yourself.


Vanessa, You are all too kind to let your friends know you are OK. Sorry to hear you are troubled, but know we do care and wish you strength in dealing with what you have ahead.


Sorry things aren't good at the moment.Hope it gets better soon and you are back to normal.I had sensed things weren't quite right.


Absolutely understand- sometimes, retreat is crucial and privacy is privacy- blogging really isn't that important in the cosmic scheme of things, but your happiness and contentment are important.You do whatever you need to, love the blog, love your work, love your knitting,love your cheeriness BUT put yourself first Vanessa, that's an order!
And have a very large virtual hug.


Vanessa I'm sorry to hear things are difficult right now but I hope you will feel able to come back to us at some point. Take care
Love Gill xx


Vanessa, I'm sorry things aren't too good for you at the moment. I hope things get sorted out for you soon, and you get back to sharing your fabulous creations with us all. Wishing you all the best.


I rarely comment on any blog (not a blogger myself) but wanted to say that whatever it is going on - I hope it settles quicker and better than you think. Look forward to any updates no matter how sporadic.


Hi Vanessa, I love to come to visit you here. Your colours and fun blog make me happy. I'm so sorry to hear you're going through difficulties but each of your posts is welcomed however sporadic they have to be.
Sending love to you :)
Jess xx



Jo Norman

Look after yourself first and foremost and we'll be here when you're ready to return. Take care. x

Lady Jane

Don't worry - we'll wait. Your amazing creations are worth it.
Wishing you all the best if life is a little tricky at the moment.
Lady jane

amanda makes

Audrey and I send you love and hugs xxxx


thinking of you Vanessa xx


Whatever the difficulties are, take your time, heal yourself full, and take care of yourself. I'll be thinking of you xxx


I wish only good things for you! Take care of yourself and know you have a large cheering section rooting for you.

Teresa Kasner

Dear Vanessa... thank you for being straight with us, your readers and friends. I picked up that you were unhappy about some things a while back and I'm not sure if what I *think* is the issue.. but I know that when I had a mid-life crisis right before I turned 50, that I shut down on all my extra-curricular activities as I just didn't have the heart for it. So, I totally understand. To me I feel we have a bond as you have written to me and shared about our love of our doggies. If you want to email me and just talk about things.. please feel free to do so. I am here for you. ((hugs)), Teresa :-)


Take care and remember we're all here ready to listen when you feel like talking.


Vanessa - I wish that I had some words of wisdom for you, but I don't really except to say that I am sure that you will find your own way out of this situation in time. I do so love reading your blog and looking at your photos and receiving emails from you. You are a generous soul, but now is the time to concentrate on yourself. Take care and look after yourself and remember focus on the good things in your life. Bx xxx


Wish you the best. Take care of yourself. Will be here when you get back.

ale balanzario

Hope everything gets better, take care.

Bobo Bun

Bless you Vanessa. Hopefully it will all be resolved in the best way possible very soon.



Hello, please don't worry about us. We all love reading your blog and will be here when you are able to return. In the mean time, all of your readers will be sending you lots of love and best wishes xxx


Dear Vanessa,
I completely understand what are you talking about. In general I’m very optimistic person and my life is very happy, and most of the time I try and skip over the bad things and look on the bright side. But we are humans, and I also have not so sweet days.
Please take your time, my friend, and when you feel buoyant again come back with your genuine story tales.
Take care! Hasta pronto.
Gloria x


Vanessa, so sorry things are difficult right now, seems to be that way everywhere. I will keep you in my positive thoughts and prayers. Sending you a big hug,

mlle paradis

We'll all be here when you're ready to be back. But life is life and sometimes it requires everything of us and more. All very best to you. Big hugs!


We will miss you, your wit and your art. Look after yourself.

Pippa Frost

Do hope everything turns out the very best for you Vanessa. Your warmth and kindness shines out from your blog.Please take extra specially good care of yourself now.


I hope for you it is good stress and not bad stress. You are in our thoughts, take care lovely lady and take time to snuggle with you puppies they always help xx

Esther Aliu

Take care, blog land is nice but real life is so much more important. XX

Pretty Nelli

Take care and return when you feel up to it!

Paula Rusling

Take care of yourself and what you feel is important. We can wait. All the very best x


Oh Vanessa, have a big, squashy hug from Wales.

Here's wishing you a smooth road back to where you want to be m'dear. We'll wait patiently while you to travel it, you know that.

Take care my bloggy friend x


I was so sorry to read your last blog post. I hope that you are cheered by all of the comments here as your readers do genuinely care for you. You inspire us all in some way to knit, craft or just enjoy your work.

I hope things improve for you and I send you my love and best wishes.

Katie x

Even though it's hard to find the time or inclination when times are tough, knitting and creating are such good therapy. I hope you find opportunites to carry on. Don't worry about the blog. You have such talent and charisma that your readers will return when you do. Take heart from all your wonderful messages of suppport. You are in my prayers, Liz x

Mam'zelle flo

I hope you are in good health, and don't worry about readers or blogging. Real life is what really matters, and I hope that whatever you're going through, you will get out of it as soon as possible, stronger and happier.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones,

Sue Varley

We'll be happy to hear from you whenever you feel like it! Keep creating however as I think it is a form of therapy!! It is for me!
Sue xxx


Dear Vanessa, you can see here from all these comments that we all love you, you have a lot of support behind you so stay strong and you will get through this difficult time. Thinking about you and saying a wee prayer for you, lots of love Fiona xx


Just another note of support from a caring reader!


Kind thoughts and cyberhugs. You need to take care of yourself so that your wonderful creativity will continue to bring us such happiness. Slainte, Vanessa.


Big hug from Moscow. :)
Take care, do what is best for you.


Take care of yourself and keep knitting - it never fails to make the day a better one. xx


Take care Vanessa!
Vivienne x

Vintage Squirrel

Blogging is unimportant in the big scheme of things.
Katie x

Susan young

Warm thoughts & ((( HUGS ))) from New Zealand ....take care of yourself , we will be here when you are.
Susan & Meadow the Westie dog xx


I will miss your blog and the beautiful things you share. Take care of yourself and take the time you need. You are an amazing woman!
Marie in Wisconsin, USA


a big big hug!!! I'm here waiting for you!!
xxxxx Alessandra


take care xxx


Give yourself a big hug from Australia..sometimes life can be really hard and we can't understand it at all..God love you and bless you ♥

Sandi Lee

You don't need to explain yourself or be sorry, real friends understand and are there to support you no matter what. Sending you love and hugs and hope whatever you are facing comes to a positive end.
xoxox Sandi


having gone through a Difficult Time myself and not particularly wanting to post in my own blog, I empathize. Sending you my very best wishes.

Crafted by Carly

Whatever it is that you're going through at the moment, I hope that it will sort itself out soon.
Sending you hugs and good wishes.....

Planet Penny

Sending you a big hug, and licks from Higgins. I hope everything resolves itself very soon, we'll all be here when you come back xxxx


I understand. Of course, I don't take that lightly saying that -if ever you have followed my blog.... it's when your ready and that's what is nice about the blog. I'll still be here! Take care of yourself and your babies and remember....we ARE here when you are ready :) Love from colorado's Golden Oasis!!!!


Dearest Vanessa, please don't worry for a moment about "having to blog", you have given everyone so much color and happiness already ... we have been spoilt!!
just take good care of yourself (Snowy and I prescribe lots of soothing knitting, preferably in bed with a hot water bottle or two, cups of tea and frequent visits to Ravelry ...
much love from down here
Barbara xxx


I hope everything works out just fine for you. x


What more is there to add? I hope you find some solace in all these comments and also in your many talents.
Come back when you can & take it easy in the meantime.


To a lovely, thoughtful, kind, warm-hearted, generous, hugely talented and much loved lady, Vanessa. Sending you lots of love and sparkly best wishes. Very much thinking of you. Lots of love Sharon and Garfie. xx


Time for oneself is invaluable. We'll be here whenever you want to be in touch again. Hope things become easier for you soon.


Love your blog and will be patiently waiting for you to return.......


Sweet Vanessa, sending you love, sunshine, butterflies, peace and tiny teeny little flowers xox We love you and your blog and there is no pressure to rush back xox Take special care x Penelope


don't worry qwe will be here waiting when you get back.


You're in my thoughts.

The Muse of The Day

We aren't allowed to cherry pick it and live only bits and pieces of it. We HAVE TO live all of it. That is a good thing, though. To me it is proof that we are all connected - all of us have to live all of it, it is what we most have in common. I will pray for sunny days, real and imagined, to come your way on a regular basis.


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Hello and welcome!

  • Hello, my name is Vanessa Cabban, and I'm so pleased you've dropped by! I'm an artist and illustrator, working from home. I have two Miniature wire-haired Dachshunds, Ellie and Douglas. I love being part of the blogosphere, reading your comments, and feeling like I'm part of a community. I hope you enjoy reading about my small world.

Books I have illustrated!

  • The Best Gift of All

  • Book and dvd,(narrated by Kevin Whateley), of Bringing Down the Moon

  • There's a House Inside My Mummy

  • The Magic Donkey Ride

  • Down in the Woods at Sleepytime

  • Dear Tooth Fairy

  • Dear Mermaid

  • No Place Like Home

  • Diamond in the Snow

  • Bringing Down the Moon