Hello! Hope you're well? I'm fine and dandy myself, but sorry I missed you yesterday, I could not drag myself away from work, and then I went off to my Wednesday night knitting, ever so sorry about that. I've suddenly got immersed into my work, and over the last couple of days, have been finding it difficult to extract myself from my illustration world, into blogging world.
But here I am now, ready to devote my full attention to you, and only you!
The progress of my Little Squares scarf I've been showing you this week is this: I'm replenishing my supplies of squares, so no joining together has been going on, just crocheting. When I'm sewing the squares together, I like to be able to dip into my rainbow supply of coloured squares, and not be interrupted by having to make another coloured square that has run out. I like it all to flow nicely, the selecting of colours, and the creating of the pattern.
I took the above photos of our garden on a glorious sunny day we had the other week, a day we had some friends over for afternoon tea. So genteel.
I suppose Hugo and I lead quite genteel lives............ gentle, that's for sure. Like a retired couple, (who work full time). Very quiet our lives are, just how we like it. So afternoon tea fits nicely into that whole genteel thing doesn't it?!
We spent Sunday morning getting in each other's way in the kitchen. A very unusual situation that, as the kitchen is normally Hugo's domain. I made a Victoria Sandwich cake (which was passable), and Hugo made Macaroons, which were delicious.
Our guests arrived in the afternoon, and we had a very pleasant time, though I think I may have scoffed my cake and Macaroons too fast, not very ladylike, when you're meant to be doing that genteel thing.
Continuing the theme of a quiet and gentle, genteel existence, the following Sunday, Hugo decided to bake a cake. He thought the carrot cake from the Hummingbird Bakery cookbook looked magnificent, and conveniently overlooked the fact that this cake (this three-tier, enormous cake), was to be for just the two of us. Many hours later, and not having had any lunch, so I'd be suitably ravenous when it came to cake eating time, Hugo presented the enormous cake. Then he cut a small slice, which was actually huge, but looked small in relation to the ginormous three-tier cake.
It was very nice, but sweet. It was so sweet, I struggled to finish my slice, and I have a sweet tooth. Plus, I never ever struggle to finish cake, unheard of. We both agreed it was too sweet for us. Luckily the ladies in Hugo's office have superhuman sweet teeth, and they were able to enjoy the rest of the cake, one lady said it was the best carrot cake she'd ever tasted, apparently.
So all's well that ends well, and the ginormous cake found enormous apprecition. Lovely happy ending for it, and Hugo.
Now, just to contrast all the gentility, sweetness, quiet life and stuff I've been mentioning in this post, I thought I'd throw in a curve ball.
Hugo decided he'd have a bit of fun and try to shock me.
Luckily, I wasn't born yesterday, and I knew immediately it was a spray-on tattoo.
I think my response was a dry "very amusing". (Actually I thought it was quite amusing, but had to play Hugo at his own game).
So I guess we're not all about afternoon teas and being proper are we? We occasionally get spray-on tattoos. (I know, terribly daring isn't it!!!!!!!!!)
I wonder what I'd have if I got a spray-on tattoo? A cupcake? A china cup and saucer? Something devilish like that anyway.
I really need a glass of wine now, I'm going to crack open that bottle in the fridge. Well, cheers then, and see you tomorrow dear reader.
Love Vanessa xxx