Hello! A day of sunshine for you too? I hope so. It's been very sun bright here today because the wind has been strong enough to blow the clouds away, leaving a bright blue sunny sky for us to enjoy.
I was thinking today about the web, the crafting world, and blogs, and feeling amazed and a bit overwhelmed by it all. There is so much creativity being shared isn't there?
It is AMAZING how the web has opened up our worlds and connected us. I'm always astounded at the interest in my corner. When I look at my stats, which show me how many hits on my blog I get each day, there is always over a thousand, and lately it's creeping up to two thousand people dropping by on a daily basis! Amazing, part of me doesn't quite believe the numbers I see before my eyes.
This happens because people like to share things they've seen and like. Links are given, word-of-the-web is in operation, and slowly an awareness grows. It certainly makes me wonder at the traffic that must go through the famous blogs out there. Mind boggling.
So today I'd like to do a bit of sharing.
First, the doily, (in the photo above), made by a lovely lady called Joanne as a thank you, and sent to me as a gift.
Joanne is on ravelry here. She's given me a link to the yarn she used to make the doily here. Can you imagine opening an envelope containing such a thing of beauty and intricacy? I did gasp (with delight) when I saw it! To be gifted this felt astonishing! I will be framing it, and putting it on the wall.
I'd also like to share Jane Brocket's latest book with you. 'The gentle Art of Knitting', I just know, is going to sell well, it's just a wonderful, charming book. There isn't a single pattern I don't like in the whole book. It's full of interesting patterns that aren't too hard to follow, and I think that's where its success will lie, the whole tone of the book is about stress free knitting, but knitting things you'd want to make.
I love the pattern for the apron, very much, love it!
And there is a sock pattern where Jane gives you a few options for wine to drink whilst you're knitting, I do like that, it's quirky, and different.
There's already reviews of it in the press. The new magazine 'Mollie Makes' shows it in two areas of its first publication.
Aren't these cushions glorious!
Jane's book has been my recent bed time reading material, and it's a very enjoyable read, her writing, like that in her blog, is very engaging.
I have so many knitting and crochet books, that I rarely buy them these days, but this one I had to buy, and I'm very glad I did.
I said that Jane's book had got a big plug in the new magazine 'Mollie Makes'. I've seen people talking ecststically about this hot off the press brand new crafting magazine, and I was curious. I thumbed through it in the newsagent and soon realized why it's so popular.
When you first pick it up, after seeing the enticing cover, you're struck by the quality of the paper, it's very high quality, just like the whole magazine itself. Beautiful photographs, exquisite photos.
I think it must be quite hard for crafting magazines to come up with new and interesting ideas, because we all get to see so much originality on people's blogs. In a way, the pages of this magazine seem quite familiar. One thing that the web can't do is give us that experience of holding the pages of a magazine or book, having the pleasure of not having to open our computers to look at beautiful images like these in this mag. I think they've made a good decision to give us a quality tactile experience, with quality content, I won't be putting this magazine in the recycling.
I haven't read it through properly yet, but the pattern for the necklace (in the mosaic above) caught my eye, very much caught my eye!
And before I go off and get on with my sculpture making, I wanted to end, last but not least, with showing you a gift from a fellow maker and blogger.
You see the lovely headband above? It's made by Jane Smallcombe of Applique. The link to her etsy shop is here. I've bought some pieces by Jane in the past, and I love her sense of design. All her pieces are beautifully made too, it's really worth having a look in her shop.
So there we go, my bit of sharing as part of the bigger sharing picture! Well, every little bit counts!
Love Vanessa xxx