When I look at these images I feel calm.
I feel calm because I'm casting my mind back to the peace and quiet before the storm and chaos of the builders arrival..................
Everything that can be covered has been wrapped, in an attempt to keep off the builders dust that seems to glide through the tiniest crack and settle where its not wanted.
Even the chimney seems vulnerable to dust penetration............
When I was done with protecting all possible surfaces............. when I had satisfied myself that I had done all that was physically possible to prevent dust spreading, then I was able to step back and stare..........
........ and wander through the rooms, marvelling at the effect of wrapping things.
There was something magical about it.
It brought to mind the work of
I have never seen his work in real life, only the fabulous photographs.
So by doing my own wrapping project, in my home, I think I am closer to understanding what Christo's work is about........ which is a wonderful revelation!
As I was sealing up the stairs that link the basement to the upper floor, it felt symbolic............ this was the point of no return, it was a very final gesture.
That was it, our house was going to be an unfamiliar place.
It was going to be changed irrevocably. Something that has taken me time to adjust to, which I did not expect at all.
Infact, as the bowels of the house are being disembowelled, I've started to have these strange aches and pains......... a pain in my knee that is quite ferocious, a crick in my neck that put me out of action for a day or so.......... and a numb feeling in my left arm.
As with the injury I had with my hand, I can see the amusing side to all this. You hear of husbands experiencing pregnancy pains in sympathy with their wives........ well, I seem to be in tune with our house as part of it is being ripped apart....... I'm going through its face lift discomfort.............
And yes, you have every right to declare that I am officially bonkers.